Reindeer – Uppskera
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Stefanía Emilsdóttir
Original price
11.000 kr
11.000 kr
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ísl. reindeer

The summer of 2020, most Icelanders traveled around the country, but some just stayed in town and went swimming. This image is a kind of reflection of that summer. An Icelandic reindeer wanders around in jeans and a lopapeys (traditional Icelandic woolen sweater) from grandma, gets chocolatemilk and a hot dog with everything and sports their brand new hiking boots with Kirkjufell and Esjan in the background. At the top you can see a sign that most people will no doubt recognize, and in the corners are the shapes of the hot tubs in Vesturbærlaug. To frame the picture, there are sea waves above and below and to the side is the beautiful embroidery found on the Icelandic national costume.

See all art by Stefania