Of scars, stretchmarks and folds 3/3 – Uppskera
Of scars, stretchmarks and folds 3/3
Of scars, stretchmarks and folds 3/3
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  • Upload image to gallery Of scars, stretchmarks and folds 3/3

Of scars, stretchmarks and folds 3/3

Heiðdís Buzgò
Original price
5.500 kr
5.500 kr
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The artwork was created for the article Af örum, slitförum og fellingum (e. Of scars, stretchmarks and folds) by Anna Helga Guðmundsdóttir.


"I get up and caress all these beautiful folds, scars and stretchmarks that tell the story of my life. Tell about how I have gone up hills and through valleys on this lifes' journey. I decide to try and not listen to the voice in my head. Decide to let my voice overpower the voice in my head. Decide to make things better for the next generation. Decide that I'm going to be exactly who I am."


Printed on high quality Munken Polar 240gr. paper.

See all art by Heiðdís