This image was created for the article Self-love after violence (ísl. Sjálfsást eftir ofbeldi) by Elinóra Guðmundsdóttir.
“Similarly, creams were heavily involved in my self-love exercises. I applied cream to a part of my body that I didn't particularly love. I know this is a cliché and may sound ridiculous. But there is some magic hidden in touching and thinking beautifully of some fold or body part that I would otherwise prefer to forget was a part of me. With that I acknowledged its existence and invited it to belong to me henceforth. Not just as part of my body but of me. I owned every nook and cranny of my body. It wasn't leaving, after all.”
Half of the selling price of this image goes to Solaris - Aid organization for asylum seekers and refugees in Iceland.
Printed on high quality Munken Polar 240gr. paper.