Jæja – Uppskera
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Iona Sjöfn
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8.000 kr
8.000 kr
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Jæja (e. well) is the jack of all trades in the Icelandic language. This one word has many different meanings, depending on how the word is pronounced and emphasized. When it comes to jæja the nuance of the word and the situation in which it is spoken is everything. It is often said that if a foreigner should learn one word in Icelandic it should be jæja. Jæja can be used alone or with other filler words. It can be interpreted as an answer or an order. It can be used to set the tone in the beginning of a sentence, but also used on its own as a holophrase, where jæja expresses a complete meaningful thought . It frequently carries with it a certain exasperation or frustration, a sense of urgency or kindness. It's clear that jæja has many meanings, much more than ever can be mentioned. However, we can all agree on one thing and that is that the word jæja , is one of the most interesting and complex words of the Icelandic language.

The series Orðlaus (e. Wordless) examines the role of interjections in the Icelandic language, as the meaning of the words can vary according to nuances and situations. In the Icelandic language, interjections are often said but less often written, but they are an important part of the Icelandic language. With the poster series Orðlaus, interjections are given the spotlight.


All words are in A3 size, and are available in both black and white and color. 

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