Homeland Idols - Giant – Uppskera
Homeland Idols - Giant
Homeland Idols - Giant
Homeland Idols - Giant
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Homeland Idols - Giant

Alex Steinþórsdóttir
Original price
1.000 kr
1.000 kr
Original price
5.000 kr
Sold out
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The Homeland Idols are created for the article Broken Articles (ísl. Brotnar greinar), by Sara Mansour.

Ever since the human rights of people were redefined by international organizations following the Second World War, refugees and applicants for international protection have been one of the most vulnerable groups in society, because they do not have the same claim to said human rights as local citizens. With the increasing flow of refugees into Europe, the receiving countries have tried desperately to reduce, or in the case of the Icelanders, stop, the flow with methods that seem to be characterized by ever-increasing brutality. Instead of attacking the root of the problem through international peace efforts, or welcoming people to who live under threats, the laws and regulations of European countries go further and further in reducing rights.

Now we are rapidly approaching the stage when we have to ask ourselves what constitutes basic human rights, which everyone enjoys regardless of whether or where they have citizenship, and whether we are going to create a group of people who simply do not enjoy them. A group of people who will be deprived of freedom, dignity and life. A group of people who cannot claim shelter, protection and due process. A group of people who are not allowed to work, stay or protest. A group of people who don't even get to have a family."

The homeland idols can be purchased individually here: Taurus, Giant, Dragon, Eagle.


Half of the selling price of the Homeland Idols goes to Solaris - Aid organization for asylum seekers and refugees in Iceland.


Printed on high quality Munken Polar 240gr. paper.

See all art by Alex Steinthórsdóttir