Pick up the glove – Uppskera
Pick up the glove
Pick up the glove
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Pick up the glove

Una Hallgrímsdóttir
Original price
5.000 kr
5.000 kr
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The image was created for the article Þurfa menn kannski bara að vera duglegri að axla ábyrgð? (e. Do men maybe need to do more when it comes to shouldering responsibility?) written by Þorsteini V. Einarssyni. 

"Some men point out, in such attempts at projection, that women prefer to keep things clean, to be with the children, to do the laundry or something else to justify their own behaviour (or lack thereof). In another context, the aforementioned men might say that women are not good enough to apply for management positions or that women are not qualified enough. Suppose that these falsehoods are true, it still doesn't change the fact that men don't accept their share of responsibility when it comes to housework and parenting. Men are not doing their share, they should be taking half of the mental load when it comes to the unpaid work of domestic life. Take the burden, the responsibility and the control, don't be "a good helper". Don't wait to be prompted to load the washing machine, unload the dish washer, or to vacuum."

Printed on high quality Munken Polar 240gr. paper.


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